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NEVENA MILICEVIC, A SERBIAN MODEL THAT LIVES HER DREAM: With the strength of a lioness and faith in God, I was always on the right track (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

NEVENA MILICEVIC, A SERBIAN MODEL THAT LIVES HER DREAM: With the strength of a lioness and faith in God, I was always on the right track (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

NEVENA MILICEVIC, A SERBIAN MODEL THAT LIVES HER DREAM: With the strength of a lioness and faith in God, I was always on the right track (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

NEVENA MILICEVIC, A SERBIAN MODEL THAT LIVES HER DREAM: With the strength of a lioness and faith in God, I was always on the right track (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

NEVENA MILICEVIC, A SERBIAN MODEL THAT LIVES HER DREAM: With the strength of a lioness and faith in God, I was always on the right track (PHOTO) (VIDEO)