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Xena: Warrior Princess

47 American Pie 47 American Pie 45 American Pie 42 American Pie 42 American Pie 57 American Pie 39 American Pie 40 American Pie 40 American Pie 42 American Pie 41 American Pie 48 American Pie 50 American Pie 48 American Pie 58 American Pie 2 58 American Pie 2 American Pie 2 46 American Pie 2 44 American Pie 2 42 American Pie 2 38 American Pie 2 40 American Pie 2 39 American Pie 2 American Pie 2 36 American Pie Presents Band Camp 40 American Pie Presents Band Camp 35 American Pie Presents Band Camp 49 American Pie Presents Band Camp 43 American Pie Presents Band Camp 58 American Pie Presents Band Camp 44 American Pie Presents Band Camp 44 American Pie Presents Band Camp American Pie Presents Band Camp 35 American Pie Presents The Naked Mile 43 American Pie Presents The Naked Mile 42 American Pie Presents The Naked Mile 41 American Pie Presents The Naked Mile American Pie Presents The Naked Mile 41 American Pie Presents The Naked Mile 35 American Pie Presents The Naked Mile 41 American Pie Presents The Naked Mile 37 American Pie Presents Beta House 41 American Pie Presents Beta House 34 American Pie Presents Beta House 36 American Pie Presents Beta House American Pie Presents Beta House American Pie Presents Beta House American Pie Presents Beta House 36 American Pie Presents Beta House 38 American Pie Presents Beta House American Pie Presents Beta House 33 American Pie Presents Beta House American Pie Presents Beta House American Pie Presents Beta House 35 American Pie Presents: The Book of Love 37 American Pie Presents: The Book of Love 37 American Pie Presents: The Book of Love 32 American Pie Presents: The Book of Love 62 American Pie Presents: The Book of Love American Pie Presents: The Book of Love American Pie Presents: The Book of Love American Pie Presents: The Book of Love 41 American Pie Presents: The Book of Love American Pie Presents: The Book of Love American Pie Presents: The Book of Love American Pie Presents: The Book of Love 45 American Pie Presents: The Book of Love American Pie Presents: The Book of Love American Pie Presents: The Book of Love American Pie Presents: The Book of Love 44 American Pie Presents: The Book of Love.

American Pie Movies

Xena is accompanied by Gabrielle, who during the series changes from a simple farm girl into an Amazon warrior and Xena's comrade-in-arms; her initial naivete helps to balance Xena and assists her in recognizing and pursuing the 'greater good'.

Xena: Warrior Princess

December 2014 Age at the time: 19 February 2014 Age at the time: 26 2014 Age at the time: 28 March 2013 Age at the time: 29 April 2012 Age at the time: 22 March 2012 Age at the time: 18 December 2011 Age at the time: 27 November 2011 Age at the time: 24 May 2011 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 27 March 2011 Age at the time: 23 June 2010 Age at the time: 23 February 2010 Age at the time: 23 January 2010 Age at the time: 31 October 2009 Age at the time: 18 September 2009 Age at the time: 28 July 2009 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 28 June 2009 Age at the time: 26 May 2009 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 24 April 2009 Age at the time: 23 March 2009 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 30 August 2008 Age at the time: 20 June 2008 Age at the time: 24 April 2008 Age at the time: 19 February 2008 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 29 2008 Age at the time: 25 November 2007 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 21 October 2007 Age at the time: 27 May 2007 Age at the time: 20 April 2007 Age at the time: 34 March 2007 Age at the time: 30 December 2006 Age at the time: 38 November 2006 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 23 October 2006 September 2006 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 25 August 2006 Age at the time: 24 July 2006 Age at the time: 22 June 2006 Age at the time: 19 March 2006 Age at the time: 37 December 2005 Age at the time: 31 November 2005 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 22 October 2005 Age at the time: 28 September 2005 Age at the time: 18 Age at the time: 32 August 2005 Age at the time: 26 July 2005 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 38 June 2005 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 23 May 2005 Age at the time: 18 Age at the time: 35 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 26 April 2005 Age at the time: 25 March 2005 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 29 February 2005 Age at the time: 40 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 21 January 2005 Age at the time: 29 December 2004 Age at the time: 37 Age at the time: 31 November 2004 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 26 October 2004 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 36 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 22 September 2004 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 29 August 2004 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 37 July 2004 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 36 Age at the time: 22 June 2004 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 32 April 2004 Age at the time: 37 Age at the time: 22 March 2004 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 23 February 2004 Age at the time: 18 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 29 January 2004 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 23 December 2003 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 37 Age at the time: 26 November 2003 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 37 October 2003 Age at the time: 34 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 34 Age at the time: 39 September 2003 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 27 August 2003 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 31 July 2003 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 24 June 2003 Age at the time: 29 May 2003 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 21 April 2003 Age at the time: 21 March 2003 Age at the time: 39 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 31 February 2003 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 32 2003 Age at the time: 31 December 2002 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 28 November 2002 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 24 October 2002 Age at the time: 31 Age at the time: 31 September 2002 Age at the time: 30 July 2002 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 33 June 2002 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 28 May 2002 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 18 April 2002 Age at the time: 29 March 2002 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 19 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 23 February 2002 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 23 January 2002 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 30 2002 Age at the time: 37 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 24 December 2001 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 23 November 2001 Age at the time: 27 October 2001 Age at the time: 33 September 2001 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 26 August 2001 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 25 Age at the time: 21 July 2001 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 23 June 2001 Age at the time: 26 May 2001 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 21 April 2001 March 2001 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 27 Age at the time: 28 Age at the time: 24 February 2001 Age at the time: 21 January 2001 Age at the time: 33 Age at the time: 24 Age at the time: 26 Age at the time: 21 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 22 2001 Age at the time: 25 December 2000 Age at the time: 23 Age at the time: 30 Age at the time: 29 November 2000 Age at the time: 33 September 2000 Age at the time: 34 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 17 Age at the time: 23 August 2000 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 20 Age at the time: 21 June 2000 Age at the time: 22 May 2000 Age at the time: 22 Age at the time: 31 April 2000 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 24 March 2000 Age at the time: 25 February 2000 December 1999 Age at the time: 28 August 1999 Age at the time: 29 Age at the time: 24 July 1999 Age at the time: 22 June 1999 Age at the time: 28 March 1999 Age at the time: 25 January 1999 Age at the time: 30 1999 Age at the time: 27 September 1998 Age at the time: 31 July 1998 Age at the time: 21 January 1998 Age at the time: 27 December 1997 Age at the time: 32 Age at the time: 21 November 1997 Age at the time: 20 October 1997 Age at the time: 22 July 1997 Age at the time: 22 1997 Unknown date Unknown date Unknown date Unknown date Unknown date.

Nudity in FHM

The show is a spin-off of the television series Hercules: The Legendary Journeys; the saga began with three episodes in Hercules where Xena was a recurring character originally scheduled to die in her third appearance.

American Pie Movies


Xena: Warrior Princess

Xena was a successful show which has aired in more than 108 countries around the world since 1998.

Xena: Warrior Princess

The series narrative follows Xena, as an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent by using her formidable fighting skills to now, help those who are unable to defend themselves.

Nudity in FHM

In 2004 and 2007, it was ranked 9 and 10 on TV Guide's Top Cult Shows Ever and the title character was ranked 100 on Bravo's 100 Greatest TV Characters.

Xena: Warrior Princess

Aware that the character of Xena had been very successful among the public, the producers of the series decided to create a spin-off series based on her adventures.