would you rather questions funny sorted by


List of 92 Funniest Word You Rather Questions (Family Friendly)

Would You Rather rob a bank and be a millionaire or marry a celebrity and become rich? Would you rather be forced to watch a 24 hour music video loop of the Safety Dance, Tarzan Boy or You Spin Me Round? Would you rather have your hair cut or uncut? Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and handsome? Then again, who doesn't want to be a dragon? Would you rather spend a day at the top of Mount Everest or in the Sahara desert?.

75 Funny Would You Rather Questions That Boggle The Brain!

Would you rather eat before brushing or after brushing? Would you rather have a protruded stomach or a bulging eye? Would you rather get food poisoning monthly or always be followed by flies? You'll certainly learn a thing or two about her.

86 Funny Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather have fur as soft as a Samoyed or quills like a hedgehog? Would you rather smell like a fart all the time for the rest of your life or drink a diarrhea milkshake? Would you rather not speak for the rest of your life or stay active without any humor? Would you rather decide to get up at 5 am every day for a walk or sleep at 2 pm with the phone? Would you rather be the most annoying person on Earth or the most craziest? Would you rather have a spare life or be a cat with nine lives? Would you rather know how to spell or how to write? If you were to be a cartoon would you rather be a Snow White or Cinderella? Would you rather be a superhero or a wizard? Would you rather have to make a one-minute speech in front of 10,000 people or have to kiss a frog? Would you rather be constantly naked or always have people watch you have sex? Would you rather eat a stick of butter or a gallon of ice cream? Would you rather hug a polar bear or a unicorn? Would you rather have to eat only broccoli for the rest of your life or be forced to watch an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians every day? Would you rather have a chocolate river in your garden or a free pizza delivered to you daily? Would you rather meet Abraham Lincoln or the current president of the United States? Everything has to go to the bathroom at some point.

86 Funny Would You Rather Questions

Would you never have painful cramps again or never have to shave again? Would you rather your favourite team always lose or your favourite artist lose their voice? Would you rather love and not be loved back, or be loved but never love? Would you prefer to charge yourself like a robot or eat only one time a day? Would you rather have coffee or tea? Would You Rather have your house under construction for rest of our life or have an annoying neighbor who rings your bell every 2 minutes in the day? Would you rather work at one job your entire life or job hop? Would you rather be able to sing or act? Would you rather Peck your pets or your dad? Would you rather be the judge who decided an execution or the person flipping the switch on the electric chair? Would you rather speak only 10 minutes a day or food only one time? Would you rather choose to be on the cricket team or football team? Would you rather make money by hooks or crook, or will you stay on your work which you love? Would you rather decide to do it in a movie hall or a hotel room? Would you rather share a towel or a brush? Would you rather live life with no money with your loved one or a rich life all alone? Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or survive in space?• Would you rather be followed around by a cute lamb all day or have a sarcastic parrot on your shoulder? Would you rather work 70 hours a week for someone else or be your own boss? Would you rather make food own or decide no food for the whole day? Would you rather change sex every time you sneeze or only ever be able to drink water for the rest of your life? Would you rather be invisible at a party or be the life of the party? Would you rather revert back to a baby or always get stuck queuing? Would you rather speak in a singing tune or listen to everything languid? Would you rather think like your age or twenty years older? Animals Would you rather be able to control all animals with your mind or turn into one for a day? Would you rather never be able to sneeze successfully or get the hiccups every time you laugh? Would you rather have your tongue pierced or have a shoulder tattoo? Would you rather be able to paint like a renaissance master or be able to put anyone at ease in a conversation? Would You Rather be unstoppably laughing for the rest of your life or crying? Would you rather be incredibly cool or incredibly rich? But first, make your partner comfortable with you to play this game.

71 Of The Most Ridiculous 'Would You Rather' Questions

Would you rather own a school or a restaurant? The Flash or The Incredible Hulk? Would you rather watch a marathon of your favorite T.

120+ Would You Rather Questions for Guys & Girls

Would you rather date someone you love or date someone who loves you? Would you rather have a permanent unibrow or no eyebrows? Would you rather have clown makeup for a week or wear clown clothes for a week? Would you rather eat your family pet or kill your parents? Would you rather stay up all night helping an irritating family member with a problem or babysit a baby that will not stop crying? Would you rather get even or get over it? Couples Would you rather have no kids or five kids? Would you rather drink 1 gallon of ketchup or 1 gallon of mustard? Would you rather have a never-ending bowl of ice cream or never-ending salad? Would you rather stay in blindfold a day or wake up for three nights? Would you rather be the luckiest or most skilled person on the planet? Would you rather die before or after your partner? Would you rather have 500 tarantulas crawling in your house or 1000 crickets jumping around your room? Then here are some basic questions to start with.

75 Funny Would You Rather Questions That Boggle The Brain!

Would you rather be afraid of your first night or decide to do it passionately? So guys, here I am ending the fun.

161 Funny Would You Rather Questions For Kids [PDF]

Would you rather have unlimited respect or unlimited power? Would you rather own a castle or an estate? Would You Rather act like Mr.

100+ Best Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather eat 30 pounds of cheese in one sitting or a bucket of peanut butter without water? Would you rather be poor or incredibly rich? Would you rather have teeth for nails or nails for teeth? Would you rather have a mansion or a cozy home that has just the right amount of room? Would you rather go a year with no eyelashes or go a year with no eyebrows? Would You Rather be eaten by a lion or a crocodile? Would you rather travel by private jet or in a recreational vehicle RV? The best way to play Would You Rather is by going to Brightful.

75 Funny Would You Rather Questions That Boggle The Brain!

Would you rather be deaf or blind? Would you rather enjoy rain or stay in a blanket for a week? Such games are amazing ice-breakers and people tend to speak their hearts out.

30 Funny Would You Rather Questions For Kids

Would you rather have a ten-inch long belly button that swayed to music or accordions for legs? Would you rather look like a skunk but smell like vanilla or smell like a skunk and be very attractive? Would you rather be Batman or Superman? Would you rather be the hero or the villain? Would you rather be in an elevator full of noisy high school students or an elevator full of judgmental middle-aged men? Would you rather wear comfortable clothes or make a fashion statement? Would you rather give birth pain-free through your mouth or painfully through your vagina? Would you rather love your partner more than they love you or vice versa? Would you rather cook or wash dishes? Would you rather wear headphones while working or work in complete silence? Would you rather have your photo taken or be the photo taker? Would You Rather tweet about your last night sex or have three-some.